The dollar has been weakening throughout April, and last week was no exception. Despite progress in the economic recovery, the Fed intends to stick to its stimulative monetary policy.
The euro strengthened on Friday amid the publication of strong business activity indices. It is clear that the recovery of the Eurozone is gaining momentum (and this is despite the increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus and widespread quarantine).
Even high retail sales and business activity did not help the pound. UK consumer spending rose 5.4% in March, more than triple the forecast.
Australia's economy is also gaining momentum, as evidenced by increased activity in the manufacturing sectors.
The New Zealand and Canadian dollars finished Friday's trading in a sideways position. Since the "hawkish" statement of the Bank of Canada, the pair USDCAD did not show much progress. Partially it is connected to presence of a considerable number of short positions on it. Data on retail sales and GDP of Canada will be published in the coming week.
• Fed meeting on monetary policy.
The most important event this week will be the FOMC meeting on Wednesday evening. Given the latest data on the US economy, the unemployment rate is likely to fall to record lows by this fall. This could prove to be one of the fastest ways out of a major economic crisis in decades.
Against the background of such data, the Fed is likely to adhere to a gradual reduction in the provision of liquidity in the style of the Bank of Canada, depending on the development of the economy. As we all understand, any news about QE cuts can make the markets a little nervous.
• Events of the week.
Monday will start with the release of data on the durable goods market and the Dallas Fed manufacturing activity index. In addition, the markets will pay attention to the information about the IFO business climate in Germany. In the last case, it is worth noting that the business sector remains optimistic about economic conditions in the largest economy in the Eurozone. The business climate has improved over the past 2 months, indicating an increase in business confidence.
On Tuesday, the US house price index will be released. Here, we monitor how the recovery affects inflation. Also on Tuesday, we will see data on consumer confidence in the United States. We expect more than strong data.
The Bank of Japan will publish a decision on the rate, but any changes on it or on its QE program are extremely unlikely, given that the bank made the last changes to the program only in March.
On Wednesday, the focus will be on the Fed meeting, which is not expected to bring any changes to monetary policy. Instead, we'll be keeping a close eye on the press conference, where some useful comments may appear.
Wednesday is also an important day for the OPEC+ meeting. OPEC and non-OPEC countries surprised markets at their last meeting by announcing a phased increase in production for May, June and July. The upcoming meeting will obviously be mostly technical, and no new decisions are expected during it.
Thursday - US jobless claims day, US GDP for Q1, Eurozone economic data, German, Spanish and Italian inflation indices, Swedish economic trends review.
On Friday, Germany will release preliminary GDP for Q1. In addition, data on unemployment in the Eurozone and Italy, GDP for the 1st quarter of the Eurozone, France, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Portugal, inflation index of the Eurozone will be available.
平均指标滑准价格对比变化交易员认为市场最 关键参数之一。Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (下面提到 MACD)指标- 明确表达变动和使用为制订战略。指标是技术的。在他的计算中使用交易所牌价差数数据为12和26天期间。把指数的滑准中价格加以分析。成果评价实行包括特种讯号线。这种方式让我们准确制定买卖时刻。数值线周期性等于9天。在交易走廊发生最大振动振幅情况下,专家着建议使用技术指标.
汇总信息关于 滑准价格 收敛和分歧 可以在信号一示威执行固定操作。这一切变动专家着评论以下列方式:
1) 2) 交叉形成
在讯号线区指标出情况下是对交易员理由为激活行动。如果MACD指数在记号落下,市场有经验参加者开始出售资产。相反状况作为购买理由。作为信号研究0 线交叉
2) 稀缺或者饱和
指数述说关于需求水平,牌价合适性。对于高价足证相当大的长短滑准指数差别。重新估价交易所债券,货币或者其他资产是急速价值 实际水平落下 征兆.
3) 5) 指数分歧
在第一事件价格和MACD并没有达到最大值。在结果是牌价急速上向。在第二事件中相同情况发生根最小值。 统一指数不确定因此价格削减.
特殊作用获得分歧在 超买性和 超卖性条件下。市场的过饱和或者稀缺是独特的程序催化剂.
结算比例用线图进行。 为正确日期技术指标评价推测3中评定工作:
专家着使用统一的公式,表达从属关系短期为12, 9 和 26 天.
SMA (MACD.9) = EMA (CL.12) – EMA (CL.26) x SIG = 指数MACD
结算基础是线图。详细信息关于评价规则可以遇到在查询数据 MT4交易平台。分区安装在标签«技术指标» 类别«分析».
成功交易员永远不基于他的个人预测按照基础分析结果。经济,政治,金融状况– 都是很重要,无如,为战略规划按照这些数据准则不够。向正确分析来助第二成份, – 技术分析,让作正确和邮证据的预报。
第二重要方面 &ndash线图,在技术分析使用,造成安赤裸裸的事实,可是清楚看到一些方面,期待着的固定事件,比如说,转弯趋势。都是分析在一天,星期,月之内,而使用在外汇牌价预报造成。
Forex技术分析包括重要交易组成像行为论心理学。它有改变可能性已各种各样事件背景:在节日前夕,休假季节,等待重大事件。但是最重大准则算是人类因素显示,作为跟踪«人群» 作为跟踪人群活动而跟随这个活动,便宜 – 都要购买,很贵 – 都想要-出售.
不用说,分析作用很重大。这样分析算是重要得到信息来源,从这里也它的每日使用。 交易员工作日总是包括技术分析进行,不再使用的话,作出盈利交易确实很难。.
技术Forex-指标是基本预报工具。术语使用对统计和图示式样,结算按照特殊公式。 指标反映价格变化,总量或其他重要外汇市场特性。数据估算提供扩大机会为战略结构。 靠分析结构,交易员确定最合适机会为执行交易,缩减损失风险 .